Thursday, September 10, 2009

I totaly can't wait for the "new moon" movie!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Today(3/9/09) ,my friend broke my heart. It happen when i went to talk to her. She was surronded by a few friends who were just teasing her, asking her for something. I had something that i really wanted to tell her but..... I guess she prefers their attention rather than my appearance. I did try to say something just a little bit, but....*sob*........she actually was answering someone else's (not me!) questions that was sort of not important and which was only asked after i speak to her. I felt like i was being ignored like i was just someone invisible.*sigh* so i went away. Is that really my friend???!!!!!! A few more things happened between me and her later on that truly,truly,truly hurt me...... I just didn't talk to her. Instead i try to avoid her so that i would not get more hurt or angry when i just look at her. I feel kinda dissapointed and crushed because she's a special friend to me....... How i wish my best friend from ex school, Jasmine who's still my best friend and always will be, could be in the same school, same class as me, and we could still hang out together and talk over problems or even gossip together. I miss her soooo much!!!!!! *sob* my life is so miserable.